Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ride On

10-10-10! October 10th, 2006
(that's right around the corner) will be Total Escape's tenth year online. Woah, I registered my tiny domain name almost a decade ago. Can't forget them "w'

When a hi tech pal, Wesley, convinced me he knew HTML & we could start my space on the web, quickly began the demise of my 3D animation career.

Feverously I compiled my collected data from my local travels near California, mostly consisting of brochures & small town newspapers. My best pal Morris generously donated an old Mac & Total Escape was on it's way. Scanning all my old travel photos, making lists of anything & getting rid of unmotivated Wes (cuz WYSIWYG editors hit the scene). Once the mini SUV & digital camera were born, there was no stopping me.

Pressing into Total Escape's 10th annivesary online, the business is finally become something to live for. My baby, my dream job, my contribution to the earth. No printed weekly rags with toxic ink to sit in landfills. All clean & easy, all digital, all instantanious information, for you here. Now!

Thanks for being along for the ride.