Sunday, May 30, 2004

do what I want you to

Yes, I know I'm not perfect, and a lot of trouble. Especially when you don't do what I want you to. Sorry about that.

I look forward to reading your thoughts you've saved for me. I still care about you, I am sure you know. The type of communication we have right now is what we need to continue to have. I would love to have a chat in person and get a hug too. Perhaps later this evening, I have a few things I need to take care of first. I'll meet you at your balcony, perhaps.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

only acting to protect

Yes, I know, you're right, and we are explosive together. I react badly to your outspoken ways, because of my quiet, repressed upbringing. I know you are a beautiful woman inside and out, and would never have been your close friend if you weren't. I still love you.

But, get back to work, I'll talk to you some day in the future about all this. Right now, I'm just working and trying to protect what we have. Sorry to get you involved in the small minded pettiness of the social scene up here, I am only acting to protect our lives.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004


I'll be having another conversation with him immediately regardless of date or time. On that occasion, I will cite to him each instance I know when he's lied, including the story of first day I met him and I will inform him if I hear another word, I will expose him for the meddlesome, sociopathic liar that he is.

Then, if I do hear of any further trouble from him, he can talk to my lawyer, and I will be happily taking some of that money that he's always talking about... in exchange for the defamation of my character in the community, invasion of my privacy, and meddling in other people's lives. And if he thinks I don't also have friends in high places, he's going to be in for a surprise.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Paradise Lost

Let's have paradise back, instead of how I feel, which is Paradise Lost.

You and I are another issue, let's just say we have lots of issues to work out that I or you have no time for. I can't let them go though, as it just doesn't work for me, so I need to let you go farther away instead. I know you will enjoy the work time, and so will I. It's time to re-focus.