Monday, August 07, 2006

One Sierra Club Meeting

Over the last few years in Los Padres Forest, I have spotted over a dozen bobcats in the wild, plus 3 mountain lions. One which was in my own front yard. It was a kitten, but chances are mom was nearby. The other was a full grown cat that jumped out across the road out on Cerro Norroeste, at sundown, 5 miles west of Apache Saddle. The third was mid-day on Emigdio ridge, darting across a meadow.

Driving back roads often, plus hiking alone, means I see a lot more wildlife out there. The large cats are rarely seen by humans, but do exist in the rural areas like this. So when I heard the Sierra Club was putting on a presentation the big cats, I had to go find out more. It was a pleasant, low key Saturday evening in my small mountain community, and since there isn't much to do in this town, it was a perfect break from the home-improvement projects.

This outdoors group is quite different from the active Sierra Singles group I belonged to in San Diego. Our local Sierra chapter is made of primarily seniors citizens. I hadn't been to a Sierra Club meeting in ages, I thought I would attend this one since the topic was interested to me.

Little did I know my mere presence would cause such a disturbance. Pizza for dinner & interesting conversation with my friend led to us arriving late & it was a full house with only a few chairs left.

And of course, mister drama king was there with his fat old lady. The room was dark, hot & crowded. I never saw them or made eye contact, but took my seat & sat there watching the speaker. The deceiver had to make a scene. He stomped outta there like an angry jealous boy & his old woman soon followed.

I guess I caused quite a ruckus amongst the gossipy old bags at the Sierra Club, but then again I know who their fearless leader is. Or should I say fear-ful leader? Gun toting Sierra Club members unite!