Friday, January 13, 2006

clean air

Well good, at least he's accounted for. I was beginning to wonder, I mean worry. Together again. Second, no, third time this week. This is the best I can hope for, right now.

Capable of showing passion & enthusiasm for just about anything, he is a rare talented breed of excellent stock. Born a lover, he knows how to play his women well with dining, music & lotsa lovable sex. Yes. I was a mere pawn in the grand scheme of his world. Animalistically attracted, like nothing I have ever felt in my decades of romancing, we played each other with caution & electrical sparks. What we shared was truly unique, although he now claims we had no special chemistry. Cast aside like a humbled beggar, my reality will never be the same.

He must be in good hands now with the nurturing touch he was longing for. I hope they teach each other well. This may be her last possible chance, ever again to mate. Let her have him. She's failed at so much in life, let her have this one glory, if only for a short while. She had to beg, borrow, cheat & steal to acquire her possession, while betraying our friendship, she used me. The betrayal is obvious. The reasons are clear. Greed, jealousy, envy.

Feel comforted that he is in a safe place, local & not wandering. What more can I ask for?

Hmmm. I can surely wait this one out. Perhaps at the cost of my sanity, but at least I live in a beautiful pine forest & breathe clean air.