Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Let it go and you will be accepted into the kingdom of happiness.

Monday, February 21, 2005


Aquarius: More than likely you have an opinion about everything, dear Aquarius, and it is also quite likely that you have a solution to everything as well. Today's events are likely to put you to the test. How well can you stand up to the tension that is likely to ensue when two extremely powerful and explosive forces butt heads square on? You can do it, but be extra careful regarding whom you cross today.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Time will Heal

Yes, I am good in many ways for you, yes, we had wonderful times together, yes, we share some interests. But, our goals, lifestyles, and ideas of how to live are different. I respect you for what you are doing with your life, you respect me for my work and lifestyle, together we can respect each other, recognize the immense forces that are each of our personalities, and let them be separate. Time will heal all, have faith!